The Monthly Meeting of the Council was held on Thursday 8th September 2022 at 6pm at the Community Centre
Present/ Presennol
Mr. T. Jones – Chair/Cadeirydd
Mr A. Jones Mrs J. Llewellyn, Mr P. Thomas, Mr N. Place, Mr. P. Martin, Mr I. Ace
Mrs. C. Payne.
County Member/Aelod o’r Cyngor Sir – Dean Lewis
Issues raised with C/Cllr Lewis
Overgrowth at Neath Road/Coronation Avenue containing Japanese knotweed
Drainage ditch/verge on road coming up to Glyncastle needs clearing
Residents in Neath Road complaining about rats in the lane
Pentywn Hill grid needed across the road above the bridge halfway down
Japanese knotweed migrating into the field below Glyncastle houses
Cllr Trefor Jones thanked NPT for the work done on the Abergarwed screens
62/22 Apologies for Absence/Ymddiheuriadau am absenoldeb
Mr R. Coulter, Ms R. Parfitt, Mr N. Francis, Mr K. Sims
63/22 Declarations of Interest/Datganiad o ddiddordeb personol
Cllr A. Jones and Cllr I. Ace declared an interest in item 66/22
64/22 Minutes of the previous Meeting/Cofnodion y Cyfarfod Diwethaf
The Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 9th June 2022 were accepted as a true record.
65/22 Clerk’s report and Council Matters Arising/Materion yn codi o’r cofnodion ac adroddiad y Clerc.
The Clerk’s report was presented and approved.
Matters arising.
116/21 Lighting at school camp – ongoing
Tai Tarian Community Fund – re toilets in park – application made and rejected at this time, advised to try again when Community Fund next opened.
66/22 Use of Bowling green for Bowls club and new Club request
Resolven Bowls Club request to host a Super 8 Tournament Quarter Final Day on 18th September 2022 on the green, and to allow the application of a Temporary Event Notice was approved.
A request to use the bowling green by the West Glamorgan Under 25 Academy and to use the green as their regular base was discussed and approved.
Members are delighted that the hard work and investment by both the Community Council and the volunteer bowlers, that has gone into the bowling green is being appreciated all clubs using the facilities.
67/22 Operation London Bridge
The above operation is the protocol for the passing of Her Majesty the Queen.
At 6.30pm in this poignant moment whilst discussing the item we were informed that Her Majesty had actually passed away. Members then stood for a minutes silence. Our web site and Face book page would post a dedication.
68/22 Swift Boxes
The NPTCBC are running a project on Swifts this year due to the 80% decline in their population, and are looking for suitable public buildings. Following discussion it was agreed that our Community Centre would be an ideal location and NPT will be offered the premises to install swift boxes.
69/22 Ladies Football – Use of field
A request by the Resolven Ladies Football team to use the pitch in the park was approved.
A further request to install changing rooms and showers in the bowls pavilion will be discussed further at the parks and finance meetings
70/22 Resolven Library
The Treasurer Mr Peter Gibson has expressed concern that the Library in a state of limbo due to the lack of a secretary and volunteers. Following discussion it was agreed to meet all the Trustees when they are available to discuss the matter further
71/22 Correspondence
Email from Karen Williams, John Street regarding anti social behaviour – Pc Andrew Wallden contacted who advised residents to report all cases of anti social behaviour to them. Ms Williams informed.
Email from resident of Abergarwed regarding Defib in telephone box – Box and defibrillator checked. The defibrillator is registered and regularly checked. resident informed.
Welsh Government – The section 6 biodiversity and ecosystem resilience duty
The Community Council is committed to integrating biodiversity into its programme and has recently installed a butterfly garden and in the process of installing a wildlife garden area in the bowling green. We will also be looking at our mowing timetable to make best use of our grassland and encourage wildflower growth where possible. We are sensitive to birds nesting in our hedges and will leave cutting until the nesting period is over.
72/22 Sub-Committee Reports
Parks/Environment/Hall committee. – No meeting in July/August
Planning application PA2022/0491 – Land between 4 Forest View and 100 Neath Road,
Resolven – Construction of 5 detached dwellings with associated engineering works.
No objections recorded
Planning Application P2022/0701 – Land adjacent to 3 Rose Cottages, Resolven — Full planning permission for change of use of existing detached garage into dwelling house, with associated parking.
No objections recorded
Finance Committee. – No meeting in July/August
73/22 Chairman’s Report.
PSB Chair’s Report attended in July
It has been a busy month as the community awakes from its Covid coma.
Please find below a synopsis of the events attended.
5/6 – 90th Anniversary of Resolven Bowls – a marvellous event which showed how well the partnership with the bowling clubs is progressing
8/6 – One Voice Wales regional meeting at Neath Town Hall.
2/7 – Resolven Carnival – had the honour of opening the Carnival and acting as a judge. Once again an event ,which showed the village at its best.
3/7 – Mayor Making ceremony in Glynneath, represented the Council.
4/7 – Heritage Network – not strictly a Council commitment , but had access to some useful information on heritage grants from the Lottery ranging from under £10,000 to £250,000 which are aimed at heritage groups and Community Councils. Some insider information on Aberdulais aqueduct was forthcoming with the County in talks with both CADW and the Coombe Tennant family regarding its future. It appears that the problems are mainly engineering as against climate related and with a little good will could be resolved. An update has been received that there will be grantsto preserve it possible in the future
5/7 – Attended the Neath Valley Network at Glynneath Town hall.
74/22 Councillors Reports
Cllr A. Jones expressed hopes that the £4 million held by NPT for local projects will be a great boost to the Community