Adroddiad y Cadeirydd / Chairman’s Annual Report 2022/23
As we exit the worst pandemic for a century and enter the burden of cost-of-living increase brought upon us by external factors, the last year and the first of the newly elected Council has been a prudent one. May I in the first instance welcome new councillors and thank the efforts of our Clerk, Mrs Cheryl Payne for her diligent and careful work. I would also thank the councillors as a body for putting the community first at every opportunity and making my role as Chair so pleasurable.
Wrth I ni adael y pandemig gwaethaf ers canrif ac yna wynebu heriau cyllidol costau byw, bu weithredoedd y cyngor o angenrhaid yn rhai pwyllog a gofalus. Hoffwn ddiolch i’r Cyngor ar ei newydd wedd ers yr etholiad, a gwaith diwyd y Clerc Mrs Cheryl Payne, am roi y pentref yn gyntaf ar bob achlysur a gwneud y gwaith o fod yn Gadeirydd mor hawdd.
Maintaining a thriving and viable community is central to our aims as a body. To that end I applaud the Resolven Events Group for receiving an award following our nomination and the numerous bodies working to improve our civic environment. It was worthy of note that the Council for the first time took control of the Remembrance Service in November and also unveiled a plaque to remember those who had died in the pandemic.
Mae cynnal cymdeithas hyfyw yn ganolog i’n gwaith fel corff. Yn hynny o beth noddwyd Grŵp Digwyddiadau y pentref am wobr cyhoeddus. Yn ogystal, y Cyngor oedd yn gyfrifol am ddathlu Sul y Cofio am y tro cyntaf a chodwyd cofeb i’r rheini a bu farw yn y pandemig.
The general uban environment has been as usual enhanced by the incorporation of Christmas decorations and two Christmas trees. Both parks at Abergarwed and Resolven have been checked by Rospa and have new infromation boards. In terms of physical activity, new gym station equipmen t has been placed in the park at Resolven. The Council is also proud of its partnership with the bowling clubs and is delighted that their commemorative tournament was a great success. To that end the toilets at the green have been fully refurbished. The Council has also provided lighting on the bridge by the old site of the British Legion.
Darparodd y Cyngor yr addurniadau Nadolig arferol gan gynnwys dwy goeden. Gwiriwyd y parciau gan Rospa gan wneud yn siwr eu diogelwch i’n plant, a chodwyd byrddau hysbysebu newydd. O ran actifedd corfforol gosodwyd cyfarpar cadw’n heini yn y parc yn Resolfen. ‘Rydym yn falch o’r partneriaeth gyda’r tîmau bowlio, ac i’r perwyl hynny atgyweiriwyd y toiledau ger y lawntydd bowlio. Darparodd y Cyngor hefyd goleuadau cyhoeddus ger bont yr hen Lu Brydeinig.
The natural environment is central to our activitities as a council , in accordance wth the Future Generations Act ( Wales) 2015. To that end , we have installed swift boxes on the eaves of the community centre. We have also provided two wildlife areas in the vicinity of the bowling green and removed the large alien species of tree at the bottom of the park allowing natural regrowth. The Council was also instrumental in providing a Queen’s Jubilee tree at the school.
Mae gofynion Deddf Cenhedlaethau’r Dyfodol yn greiddiol i weithredoedd y cyngor, yn enwedig helpu’r amgylchedd naturiol. At ddiben hyn gosodwyd blychau ar gyd bargod y Ganolfan Gymuned i hybu nythu adar megis y wennol ddu. Yn ogystal, penodwyd dwy ardal o’r parc ar gyfer natur, hefyd cliriwyd coed estron o’r parc gan adael ail dyfiant naturiol i ddigwydd. Hefyd,bu’r Cyngor yn weithredol wrth ddarparu coeden i nodi Jiwbli’r Frenhines.
I wish my successor the best in carrying on the work of the Council in 2023/24.
Yn gywir,
Trefor Jones ( Cadeirydd/ Chairman)