Finance Meeting
The Finance meeting was held on Thursday 14th October 2021at 6pm at the community centre
Chairman: Mr. T. Jones
Councillor’s: Mr. N. Place, Mr. A Jones, Mrs. J. Llewellyn
Clerk: Cheryl Payne
Apologies: Mr. I Ace, Mr N. Francis
The minutes of the last monthly meeting held on Thursday 9th September 2021 were accepted as a true record.
Matters Arising
Carpets for the Hall
3 quotes have been obtained with a further quote to be obtained from a local supplier. Following no response from the local supplier it was agreed to award the contract to Neath Carpets.
Rent review for current user
The increase in rent has been agreed by all parties
Business bank card
The Community Council can apply for a debit card for online purchases. The Clerk has completed the application form with 2 signatures and will send to the bank.
New business
Lighting at School Camp
An approach has been made to the owners and we will wait for a reply
Pilot of Community and Town Councils Self- Evaluation Toolkit – Expressions of Interest.
Following discussions, the committee recommends refusal to join this scheme
Pre- Precept
Discussions are now in hand to plan the next precept, there are many factors to consider
i.e., rising utility costs, County and Community Council elections next year, rising wage costs and parks/buildings maintenance costs. The Clerk/RFO will collate all the necessary
figures and present to a full council precept meeting next month.