The Monthly Meeting of the Council was held on Thursday 10th October 2024 at 6pm at the Community Centre
Present/ Presennol
Mr. A. Jones – Chair/Cadeirydd
Mr T. Jones, Mr R. Coulter, Mr. N. Place, Mr Peter Thomas, Mr N. Francis
Mrs. C. Payne.
County Member/Aelod o’r Cyngor Sir Not present
77/24 Apologies for Absence/Ymddiheuriadau am absenoldeb
Mr L.Whomes, Mrs J. Llewellyn, Mr K. Sims, Mrs R. Parfitt, Mr P. Martin,
78/24 Declarations of Interest/Datganiad o ddiddordeb personol
79/24 Minutes of the previous Meeting/Cofnodion y Cyfarfod Diwethaf
The Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 5th September 2024 were accepted as a true record.
80/24 Clerk’s report and Council Matters Arising/Materion yn codi o’r cofnodion
ac adroddiad y Clerc.
The Clerks report was presented and approved, there were no matters arising.
81/24 Request for a defibrillator in Glyncastle
Following discussion this item will be considered.
82/24 Request from Neath Valley Music Group.
Ms Kathryn Pink attended the meeting to request the use of storage space at the centre to store a small amount of musical equipment. Following discussion it was agreed to allow this request
82/24 Correspondence
County Borough Council/Community Councils Liaison Forum 10/10/24 – Agenda
Launch of consultation – role, governance and accountability of the community and
council sector
Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales: draft annual report 2025 to 2026 | GOV.WALES Gambling Act 2005 – Draft Gambling Policy 2025
FW: Invitation to Participate in the Rural Housing Action Guide for Wales Project Online Survey
83/24 Sub-Committee Reports
Parks Committee – Following the decision to go ahead with the 3G MUGA project, maintenance only issues will be considered in the parks.
Planning app. P2024/0617 – 4 Perth Y Dion, Resolven,SA11 4NJ
Proposed works to trees protected by Tree Preservation Order T115. – No objections recorded
Finance Committee – All finance issues will now be dealt with by the full council at each monthly meeting.
84/24 Chairman’s Report –
Due to the Chair being unwell there is no Chairmans report this month
85/24 Councillors Reports
Neath Port Talbot Liaison meeting , with Town and Community Councils. 10/10/24
The meeting was held at Port Talbot Civic Centre owing to online problems but would in future be held in Neath. It was well attended both in person and online.
1. NPT items – the budget featured heavily in this section. It appears that the Council will face severe financial difficulties with each directorate instructed to make a cut of at least 5% in their budget. This would continue for at least three financial years and the current deficit stood at £9.3 million. The Council had already sent a crisis letter to both the Welsh and UK governments. It was hoped that any redundancies would be voluntary.
2. Town and Community items –
a) An appeal was made regarding the resurfacing of the A465 from Hirwaun to LLandarcy as part of the scheme in completing the A465 and its major new role as an artery to the West of Wales. The present surface was forecast to last 40 years, but this date was approaching rapidly. It was agreed that NPT would approach SWTRA with the comments of the Town and Community Councils.
b) Planning- it was felt that NPT should provide practical training in deciding on planning issues.
c) Redundant Buildings- the question of the demolition of surplus buildings such as welfare halls was discussed. The main obstacles were that of proving ownership and cost.
d) Provision of public toilets- the cost of maintaining these services was discussed, but with little progress.
3. Karen Jones’s retirement – Councillor Steve Hunt, The Leader of NPT spoke highly of the contribution of Karen Jones as Chief Executive and saluted her great contribution to public life in Neath Port Talbot, as this was her final meeting. This was seconded by Trefor Jones, on behalf of the communities of Neath, who stated that the only word to describe Mrs Jones was “fantastic”, and he hoped that her successor would be at least a quarter as good as she had been in her role.
The next meeting was scheduled for the 6th of January 2025.