The Monthly Meeting of the Council was held on Thursday 6th December 2018 at 6.15pm in the Community Centre.
Present/ Presennol
Mr A. Jones – Chairman/Cadeirydd
Mr A. Morgan, Mr. T. Jones, Mrs B. John, Mr R. Carpenter, Mr N. Francis, Mr I Ace, Mr T. Harris
County Member/Aelod o’r Cyngor Sir
Cllr Des Davies
Mrs C. Payne.
121/18 Apologies for Absence/Ymddiheuriadau am absenoldeb
Councillors Mrs D. Stroud, Mr K. Sims
122/18 Declarations of Interest/Datganiad o ddiddordeb personol
There were no declarations of interest
123/18 Minutes of the previous Meeting/Cofnodion y Cyfarfod Diwethaf
The Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 1st November 2018 were accepted as a true record.
124/18 County Councillors Report and Matters Arising
Broken pavement slabs have been reported in both Cory Street and other streets around the village. These will be looked at in the new financial year
Tree roots coming up near the Miners Memorial. The tree has now been removed and the paving replaced
125/18 Clerk’s report and Council Matters Arising/Materion yn codi o’r cofnodion ac adroddiad y Clerc.
The Clerks report was presented and approved
126/18 Final precept for next financial year
In order to minimise the burden on the community the revised budget forecast was presented to the members and agreed. The precept for the next financial year will be increased by 3.5% instead of the previously projected 6.5%. The final amount is £52,138.00.
127/18 New Climbing frame installation
Due to 2 unsuccessful grant funding applications for the remaining £5000, the members agreed to use reserve funds to finance the completion of the new climbing frame
128/18 Council Mission Statement
A proposal to draw up mission statements for the Community Council and its 2 sub committees was agreed in principle and will be finalised in due course. Cllr Trefor Jones advised following a One Voice Wales meeting, that these statements will be required by the Auditor General in the next financial year.
129/18 Request from Sardis for donation to purchase Christmas Tree
A letter was received from Sardis Baptist Chapel for a donation towards the Christmas tree at the front of the village. Sardis would provide the lights. Members agreed to donate
130/18 Request from Jerusalem/Melincourt cemetery for donation
A letter was received from Jerusalem Church for a donation towards the grass cutting at Melincourt Cemetery. Members agreed to donate £500
131/18 Correspondence Received
Reply from planning re application P2018/0849
Yunyun Herbert re canal clearance. For information on this project please go to
NPT re precept
132/18 Sub-Committee Reports
Parks and Environment – There was no parks meeting this month
Matters arising
A quote of £750 for the new gates at the bottom of the park has been received and accepted.
Finance/Funding – The minutes of last meeting on 15th November 2018 were accepted as a true record.
133/18 Chairman’s Report
The Chairman reported that he has contacted AM Jeremy Miles regarding the resurfacing of the A465 which was promised in 2013 and has still not been done.
He has also asked about the revised LANDFILL DISPOSALS TAX COMMUNITIES SCHEME which has now been reduced to a 5 mile radius instead of the previous 10 mile radius. This will now exclude Resolven and the surrounding area from applying to the scheme for much needed grants.
The next meeting will be held on 10th January 2019 at 6.15pm at the Community Centre