The Monthly Meeting of the Council was held on Thursday 11th May 2017 at 6.15pm in the Community Centre.
Present/ Presennol
Mr T. Jones – Chairman/Cadeirydd
Mr A. Jones, Mrs B. John, Mr R. Davies, Mr A. Morgan,
Mrs D. Stroud, Mr D. Richards.
County Member/Aelod o’r Cyngor Sir
Cllr Des Davies
Mrs C. Payne
40/17 Apologies for Absence/Ymddiheuriadau am absenoldeb
Mr I Ace, Mr T.Harris
41/17 Declaration of Interest/Datganiad o ddiddordeb personol
No declarations of interest were received.
42/17 Minutes of the previous Meeting/Cofnodion y Cyfarfod Diwethaf
The Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 6th April 2017 were accepted as a true record.
43/17 County Councillors report / Adroddiad y Cynghorydd Sirol
Cllr Davies thanked members for their support over the recent elections and hoped to continue the good working relationship that had been built up over the previous 4 years.
He stated that the County Council were still in the process of appointing officers and would be up and running by the next meeting where he would have more information about ongoing issues. He will continue to work for the community in Resolven and Abergarwed and looks forward to helping those in need.
44/17 Clerk’s report and Council Matters Arising/Materion yn codi o’r cofnodion ac adroddiad y Clerc.
The Clerk’s report was presented to members, there were no matters arising.
45/16 School Camp (Ieuan Starks) concerns re British Legion building
It was agreed to ask Mr Starks to attend the next meeting on 1st June to discuss the matter further.
46/17 To consider planning application –
P2017/0328 – land to the rear of 93A Neath Road.
There were no objections to this applications
Application P2017/0439 –
Replacement of 15m high communications mast, ground cabinets, and associated development. –
There were no objections to this application
47/17 Internal audit report and approve annual return
The internal audit report was read out to members and approved.
A copy of the annual return was given to all members and also approved. The accounts will now be presented to the external auditor.
The final accounts for the year were also presented and approved
48/17 Donation to Resolven Carnival
A request for the Carnival Events committee for a donation of £400 has been approved
Resolved to donate £400 to the Resolven Carnival
49/17 Insurance quotes
The insurance for the Community Council is due for renewal and 3 quotes were obtained
from Zurich, Aon and Came and Company. The best response was from Came and Company and will be implemented on 1st June 2017
50/17 Correspondence Received
Gillan Consulting – replacing tele-communications equipment
Resolven Rugby and Cricket Club – invitation to annual dinner – The Chairman being unavailable Cllr A. Jones will attend.
51/17 Sub-Committee Reports
Finance, Parks, Hall – – There being no meetings due to the election no reports were presented
52/17 Chairman’s Report.
The newly elected Chairman Cllr T. Jones thanked the outgoing Chairman Cllr A. Jones and looked forward to the new session and working for the community
53/17 Councillor Reports
Members would like to congratulate Bradley Roderick obtaining his cap for the Wales under 16’s and especially for scoring a try. Well done Bradley
Members would also like to congratulate Daniel Jervis for obtaining 2 gold medals at the British Swimming Championship and becoming British Champion in the 1500mm and 800mm.
A report of a hole on the railway bridge will be reported
The volunteers at the Library have won a special award for volunteering which will be presented at a event held by NPTCVS.
A report that despite some late frosts, Japanese knotweed appears to be dying back and withering. The Chairman reported that he had witnessed low flying aircraft late at night and asked an open question as to whether there was a connection. It was also noted that the Swansea area was part of experimental studies into the eradication of the weed. The Clerk was asked to contact the Environmental Health Dept of NBTBC regarding any information.
The next meeting will be held on 1st June 2017 at 6.15pm at the Community Centre