Finance Meeting
The Finance Meeting was held in the Community Hall on Thursday 13th March 2019
Chairman: Cllr Mr A. Jones
Councillors: Cllr. Mr T. Jones, Mr A. Morgan, B. Roberts, Mr N Francis, Mr I Ace
Clerk: Mrs C. Payne
The minutes of the last Monthly Meeting held on Thursday 21st February 2019 were confirmed as a true record.
Matters Arising
Project Planning
The project timetable has been completed. Cllr Neal Francis has agreed to be Grants Co-ordinator and will continue to manage applications for grant funding to complete the many projects that the community council would like to achieve.
The members would like to thank Cllr Francis for the excellent work he has done so far in acquiring grants for a new kitchen in the pavilion at the bowling green, a large storage container for the park and replacement damaged railings.
Logo Competition
The members are delighted that drawings have been received from all classes at Ynysfach Primary School for the logo competition. The Committee met to judge the entries and all parties will be notified in due course.
Charitable Donations
Members are aware that there are strict guidelines concerning donations to charities or individuals. The Clerk was asked to verify the regulations and report back to Council.