The Monthly Meeting of the Council was held on Thursday 3rd June 6th 2021 at 6pm
Present/ Presennol
Mr. N. Francis – Chairman/Cadeirydd
Mr. A Jones, Mr. T. Jones, Mr N. Place, Mr P. Thomas,
Ms. K. Kulik,
County Member/Aelod o’r Cyngor Sir
Mrs. C. Payne.
Prior to the meeting the Clerk informed the members that Councillor Alun Morgan has submitted his resignation from the Community Council. Members were sorry to see him go and hoped that he may return at some point in the future.
64/21 Apologies for Absence/Ymddiheuriadau am absenoldeb
Mr. K. Sims, Mrs. D. Stroud, Mr. Dean Lewis,
65/21 Declarations of Interest/Datganiad o ddiddordeb personol
No declarations received.
66/21 County Councillor/Cynghorydd Sirol
67/21 Minutes of the previous Meeting/Cofnodion y Cyfarfod Diwethaf
The Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 6th May 2021 were accepted as a true record.
68/21 Clerk’s report and Council Matters Arising/Materion yn codi o’r cofnodion ac adroddiad
y Clerc.
The Clerks report was presented and approved.
Matters arising.
63/21 – Doctors appointments – The reply from the Surgery was read out to members.
Muirhall – report from Cllr A. Jones
Cllr Jones stated a video call between him and Ms Amanda Swan who is the project co-ordinator for the Muirhall Wind Farm went very well. They are waiting for replies from NRW and NPT planning.
69/21 A465 upgrading
The upgrading of the concrete section of the A465 should have been completed by 2013.
despite several enquiries into this matter there is no sign of any improvement.
Following discussion it was agreed to write to Jeremy Miles MS.
70/21 Local wind farm money, percentage for each council and plan moving forward.
A discussion ensued re the permutation of funds. There will be further talks at the appropriate time.
71/21 Purchase of tablets for Councillors
The purchase of tablets was agreed in the budget for this year and will be purchased in due course. The tablets will remain the property of the Community Council and will be handed back when a Councillor leaves.
72/21 Partners and Projects
A conversation to clarify how the projects will be proposed and financed was settled.
73/21 Armistice Day preparations
Members will meet with Mr David Richards to discuss the arrangements for this event.
74/21 Correspondence
A letter of thanks was received from Mr Gareth Evans.
75/21 Sub-Committee Reports
Parks/Environment/Hall/Planning committee
The minutes of the meeting held on 12th May 2021 were accepted as a true record.
Planning Application P2012/0552 – Land adjacent to B4242, Neath Road, Resolven – Proposed erection of replacement active mine water treatment scheme.
No objections recorded
matters arising.
Top soil still needed for the dram.
Finance Committee
The minutes of the meeting held on 13th May 2021 were accepted as a true record. There were no matters arising
76/21 Chairman’s Report.
The Chairman will be meeting with Ken Young of Stay Safe Testing to survey any metal posts in the village which could be suitable for Christmas lights
77/21 Councillors Reports
Cllr Kulik presented some brochures for exercise equipment that might be suitable for the park
Cllr T. Jones presented the Public Service Board report
A Report on the full meeting of Neath Port Talbot PSB held remotely on Thursday 27th May
The meeting was Chaired by Roger Thomas (Vice Chair) of the Mid and West Fire Service.
Despite being well attended, one of the statutory partners, Swansea Bay Health Board, was absent therefore the meeting was not quorate and no decision s could be made in the meeting.
- Dawns Glaw (rain dance) – a very interesting presentation was given on the problem of illegal fires by the Fire Service. Surprisingly, the number of illegal fires, are less today than 25 years ago, indeed amount to only 25% of the 23,000 annual incidences of the 1980s. However, the nature of the fires has changed in that there was a culture of setting fire to the mountainside by farmers in the past with a view of improving pasture. Now, the incidences include criminal actions or ones of neglect resulting in colossal damage to the biodiversity. It is still legal to “control burn”, between October and the end of March but the farmers sometimes intrude into other times of the year owing to inconvenient weather.
- UK levelling up fund – NPT Borough Council are putting in bids for several projects in both Neath and Port Talbot. £240 million is available for Welsh based projects but the closing date for bids is very tight.
- Partner engagement and regeneration projects – since the PSB has very little resource of its own, it was agreed that collaboration between partners would entail non duplication and reviewing what was already happening.
- Multi agency recovery projects – Karen Jones reported that the second wave in the new year had slowed any recovery up substantially in the economic field. The Police reporting on community safeguarding, stated that Covid breaches had taken up much of their time as well as continued anti- social behaviour in Neath Town Centre though a new CCTV system was in operation. Domestic violence was on the increase, as was drug use. County lines, continues to be a huge problem despite 226 arrests and a seizure of £180,000 of heroin.
- PSB statutory duties – the annual report will be delayed owing to unavoidable circumstances, however once it is ready it will be circulated for comment. Once again, an intention to avoid duplication was stated.
A report was received of a drone flying over the village