The Monthly Meeting of the Council was held on Thursday 9th June 2022 at 6pm at the Community Centre
Present/ Presennol
Mr. T. Jones – Chair/Cadeirydd
Mrs J. Llewellyn, Mr P. Thomas, Mr N. Place, Mr. P. Martin, Mr R. Coulter, Ms R. Parfitt.
County Member/Aelod o’r Cyngor Sir – Not present
Mrs. C. Payne.
49/22 Apologies for Absence/Ymddiheuriadau am absenoldeb
Mr A. Jones, Mr I Ace, Mr. N. Francis, Mr K. Sims,
50/22 Declarations of Interest/Datganiad o ddiddordeb personol
Cllr R. Coulter declared an interest in item 53/22
51/22 Minutes of the previous Meeting/Cofnodion y Cyfarfod Diwethaf
The Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 5th May 2022 were accepted as a true record.
52/22 Clerk’s report and Council Matters Arising/Materion yn codi o’r cofnodion
ac adroddiad y Clerc.
The Clerk’s report was presented and approved.
Matters arising.
116/21 Lighting at school camp – It was agreed to ask a contractor to install low level solar lighting on the pathway – ongoing
53/22 ASW Planning application
Members expressed disappointment that the planning application had been rejected, and will send a letter of support to Mr Hendy at ASW Scaffolding
54/22 Renovations in the hall and purchase of 2 new vacuum cleaners
A proposal to renovate the caretaker cupboard in the hall to provide adequate storage space and purchase a new vacuum cleaner for the hall and new one for the pavilion was agreed.
Resolved to renovate and purchase new vacuum cleaners
55/22 Employ cleaner for the Bowling Green
Due to the increased use of the pavilion and toilets at the bowling green a proposal to employ a cleaner was agreed. The cleaner and caretaker of the hall didn’t want to take the project on and therefore Mrs M. Gillespie has been employed.
Resolved to employ a new cleaner
56/22 Overgrown bushes around the hall
Councillor Rabbie Coulter has agreed to remove all overgrown bushes
57/22 Hanging Basket Competition
To date there have been no applicants to the competition
58/22 Correspondence
A request from St David’s and Jerusalem Churches for a grant to cut the grass at both cemeteries.
Although in previous years Resolven Community Council donated generously to the cost of cutting the grass at both Churches, unfortunately it has come to light that the Community Council has no legal power to do this and therefore we have had to discontinue this practice.
59/22 Sub-Committee Reports
Parks/Environment/Hall committee. – In the absence of the Chair of the Parks committee
the parks report was postponed
Finance Committee. – No meeting in April
60/22 Chairman’s Report.
The Chair was invited and attended 2 events, the opening at the Siop Y Ddraig at Ynysfach School and The Bowls Tournament at the Bowling Green, both events were impressive and showed the village in its best light.
He also attended the OVW liaison meeting and the report as follows:-
A Report on the regional meeting of One voice Wales held at Neath Town Hall 8/6/22
A fairly well attended meeting in the Mayor’s Room.
Main points of interest to RCC:
- Trefor Jones re-elected as Voce Chair.
- Programme of meetings:
- a) 21st September – Resolven Community Hall at 7 .
- b) 7th December – Glynneath ( Bethania) on a Hybrid basis/
- c) 1st March – Skewen Town Hall
- d) 7th June – Neath Town Hall.
- Liaison Committee with NPT – following the installation of a new coalition run Council. It was suggested that a request be made for the liaison meetings be quarterly in order to strengthen the links between the community/Town Councils and NPT.
- Training – two free places for the five main training modules are available and discounts on some others. A strong encouragement was issued for everyone to undertake the “Code of Conduct” module. A list of training schedules will be sent to the new councillors in order for them to take advantage of this scheme.
- Annual Report – this is now a statutory requirement and must be posted on the website within a “reasonable” time scale. Already posted of Resolven web site under Chairman’s report
Draft minutes of meetings should be placed on the website within 7 days. It was felt that it would not be appropriate to put out draft minutes
- Self-evaluation “toolkit”- a new tool for evaluating the performance of the Council. It is free and in Word format. Will be sent to councils on the 15th of this month and could be an useful exercise for the Finance sub-committee.
The Chair also stated that in the past here had been a Footpaths Officer on the Community Council and Cllr P. Martin and Cllr R. Coulter put their names forward to carry out this work
61/22 Councillors Reports
No reports made