The Monthly Meeting of the Council was held on Thursday 6th June 2019 at 6.15pm in the Community Centre.
Present/ Presennol
Mr A. Jones – Temporary Chairman/Cadeirydd
Mr. T. Jones, Mr B. Roberts, Mr K. Sims, Mr I. Ace
Mrs C. Payne.
Prior to the meeting the members were pleased to welcome new County Councillor Dean Lewis who attended to give his support to the Community Council and ensure that he will be working hard to fulfil his new appointment. He will be a regular visitor to the meetings in the future.
The First order of business was to appoint a Chair for the meeting due to current Chair Cllr A. Morgan absent with ill health, and Vice Chair Mr N. Francis not available. Cllr Aylwin Jones was appointed.
The Chair and members were sorry to note the resignation of Mr Ross Carpenter and Mr Trevor Harris
50/19 Apologies for Absence/Ymddiheuriadau am absenoldeb
Mr A Morgan, Mrs B. John, Mr N. Francis
51/19 Declarations of Interest/Datganiad o ddiddordeb personol
There were no declarations of interest
52/19 Minutes of the previous Meeting/Cofnodion y Cyfarfod Diwethaf
The Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 2nd May 2019 were accepted as a true record.
53/19 Clerk’s report and Council Matters Arising/Materion yn codi o’r cofnodion ac adroddiad y Clerc.
The Clerks report was presented and approved
54/19 Plaques/Paintings from the Health Centre
A request was received from the Resolven Health Centre to hold the plaques and paintings from there at Resolven Community Centre. Following discussion it was agreed to take the items and hold them. They would be available to return to the new health centre should they be required.
55/19 Annual return and end of year accounts for 18-19
Following the internal audit the annual return and end of year accounts are ready to go to the external auditor. Both items were approved and signed by the council and will be sent off in due course.
Resolved to approve the annual return and end of year accounts
56/19 Request for sign on Railway Terrace pointing to LLys Bethania
Residents at LLys Bethania Flats are still experiencing problems with mail and ambulances going to addresses in Railway Terrace and not reaching the flats. A request for the street sign to include
Llys Bethania will be sent to NPT. Cllr Dean Lewis has also been made aware of the problem.
57/19 Christmas wraps from Centregreat
The Christmas lighting wraps are available from Centregreat at a cost of £45 each. It was agreed to purchase 10 wraps.
Resolven to purchase 10 wraps
58/19 Correspondence Received
Letter of Resignation from Cllr R. Carpenter
Letter from Mr G. Evans re councillor vacancy
Response from Welsh Government re landfill tax
Letter of Resignation from Cllr Trevor Harris
59/19 Sub-Committee Reports
Parks/Environment/Hall committee – Parks and Environment – The minutes of the last meeting on 9th May 2019 were accepted as a true record.
Matters arising
The proposal to offer free tennis at the MUGA was agreed on a trial basis this season. Sessions must be booked in advance
Finance/Funding – The minutes of last meeting on 16th May 2019 were accepted as a true record
Matters arising
Community Tool Bank – It was agreed to hold this item until the next full council meeting
60/19 Councillors reports
Concern has been expressed at the closure of the Farmers Arms in Resolven. This is a valued community asset and has been an unbroken public house since 1780. Objections will be made when a planning application is received
The Carnival committee has requested the Chair/Clerk/Mrs Fran Jones to judge competition at the Carnival. This was accepted.