Finance Meeting
The Finance meeting was held on Thursday 8th April 2021at 6pm
The meeting was held on a remote basis in accordance with the provisions of The Local Authorities (Coronavirus) (Meetings) (Wales) Regulations 2020, these regulations remain in force until 30th April 2021, or earlier if repealed. These regulations temporarily supersede those of Resolven Community Council Standing Orders for meetings
Chairman: Mr. N. Francis
Councillors: Mr. T Jones, Mr. A. Jones, Mr. A. Morgan,
Clerk: Cheryl Payne
Apologies: Mr. I Ace, Mr. N. Place
Prior to the meeting members discussed at length the current situation with the Muirhall Energy Company wind farm project. The Community Council has for the last 7 years been in discussions with the Company, has supported the project from its inception and liaised with Muirhall staff on a regular basis. We understand that new staff have taken over and it was agreed to write to the Company to establish the current situation.
The minutes of the last monthly meeting held on Thursday 11th March 2021 were accepted as a true record.
Matters arising
Dog signs – NPT contacted for correct wording to discourage continual dog walking in the park
Cafe/Tea room – Following discussion it was suggested that this matter be taken to the bowlers before any decision is made.
Abergarwed defibrillator – The unit will be installed in the next few weeks and a flyer will be drafted to inform the residents of Abergarwed.
The bank reconciliation and all accounts were circulated prior to the meeting. They were formally accepted and approved.
5 Year plan
The proposal to draft a new 5 year plan for improvements in the park was agreed, with recommendations from the parks committee, and funding to be sourced by the finance committee.
Council/Committee Meetings
The proposal to recommence formal meeting at the Community Centre in June was agreed with the option that members could continue to attend virtually.