The Monthly Meeting of the Council was held on Thursday 5th April 2018 at 6.15pm in the Community Centre.
Present/ Presennol
Mr T. Jones – Chairman/Cadeirydd
Mr A. Morgan, Mr D. Richards, Mr. A. Jones, Mrs D. Stroud,
Mr T. Harris, Mr N. Francis Mr K. Sims, Mr I. Ace.
County Member/Aelod o’r Cyngor Sir
Mrs C. Payne.
33/18 Apologies for Absence/Ymddiheuriadau am absenoldeb
Cllrs B. John, County Cllr D. Davies
34/18 Declaration of Interest/Datganiad o ddiddordeb personol
No declarations of interest were received
35/18 Minutes of the previous Meeting/Cofnodion y Cyfarfod Diwethaf
The Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 1st March 2018 were accepted as a true record.
36/18 County Councillors Report and Matters Arising
37/18 Clerk’s report and Council Matters Arising/Materion yn codi o’r cofnodion
ac adroddiad y Clerc.
The Clerk’s report was presented and approved.
Mrs Angela Sims has been appointed as the new Caretaker /Cleaner and will start on 2nd April 2018
38/18 Motorising shutter door in main hall
The roller shutter door outside the disabled access door is currently opened manually. In the interests of Health and Safety it was agreed to motorise the shutter. Quotes have been obtained and it was agreed to award the contract to John Glen Installations
39/18 New Councillor Trustee for the Library
Due to the passing of Cllr Redvers Davies a vacancy for a new Councillor Trustee has arisen. It was agreed to leave this item until the Annual Meeting
40/18 New Community Council logo
Following the success of the St Davis Day art competition it was agreed to hold another competition with the schools to design a new Community Council logo.
41/18 Annual report to all residents in the community
The suggestion was put forward of an annual report outlining the activities of the Community Council, to all residents in our wards. This was agreed in principle and the Chairman and Clerk will put together a report for the members approval.
42/18 Councillor vacancies
Due to the passing of Cllr Redvers Davies (Abergarwed) and the resignation of Cllr David Richards (Resolven South) there are now 2 vacancies on the Community Council. Advertisement will go out in due course.
43/18 Correspondence Received
Revised Planning application P2018/0039 – there were no objections
44/18 Sub-Committee Reports
Parks and Environment – quotes have been received for the new pathway and will be further discussed in the next parks meeting
Relief Park Keeper – There has been one applicant for the vacancy
45/18 Chairman’s Report
A company named Muirhall Energy Ltd requested a meeting Cllr Des Davies and members of the Resolven and Clyne Community Councils. Muirhall Energy Ltd have bought the site previously known as Infinis which were aiming to build a wind farm in Melyn Court, the proposal is that the company will take over the project. Members discussed the project in detail with their representative Julie Akin and are hopeful that this very beneficial to the community project will now go ahead.
The Chairman reminded the members that the prizes for the art competition will be awarded on Saturday 7th April at 11am.
Condolences were extended to Mr Gwyn Thomas whose wife has recently passed away.
The Chairman and Clerk will attend a presentation on GDPR at NPTCVS on 1st May 2018
It is noted that the Primary Care Centre project has finally started
Commendation to Cllr Aylwin Jones for his tireless efforts in the Parks and Bowling Green. With the purchase of new equipment and changes to the Park Keepers duties many costs have been reduced, and the facilities upgraded.
Many thanks to Ynysfach W.I. for their contribution to the Defibrillator boxes which will be purchased in due course.
Cllr David Richards will be resigning at the end of this month and all members would like to extend their thanks to him for his invaluable contribution on the Community Council. We wish him well in the future
46/18 Councillor Reports
A suggestion to purchase new Christmas Lights was put forward. This will be discussed during the new financial year
Members for many years have discussed the provision of a new cemetery. NPT have been approached many times and have resisted any attempts to provide this facility. The current situation in the village is becoming critical and it was agreed to once again approach NPT regarding this issue.
The new defibrillators will shortly be put in place. On arrival it will be essential that as many people as possible will be trained in the use of these items. The Community Council will organise a training day in the Resolven Community Centre for anyone who would like to attend and train for this vital service.
The double yellow lines at the top of Cory Street are causing problems for residents a request for them to be tailed back to first 2 houses with frontage. County Councillor Des Davies to be contacted.