The Monthly Meeting of the Council was held on Thursday 6th April 2017 at 6.15pm in the Community Centre.
Present/ Presennol
Mr A. Jones – Chairman/Cadeirydd
Mr T. Jones, Mrs B. John, Mr T. Harris, Mr I Ace, Mr R. Davies, Mr A. Morgan, Mrs D. Stroud, Mr A. Bradley, Mr D. Richards, Mr G. Evans
County Member/Aelod o’r Cyngor Sir
Cllr Des Davies
Mrs C. Payne
25/17 Apologies for Absence/Ymddiheuriadau am absenoldeb
All present
26/17 Declaration of Interest/Datganiad o ddiddordeb personol
No declarations of interest were received.
27/17 Minutes of the previous Meeting/Cofnodion y Cyfarfod Diwethaf
The Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 2nd March 2017 were accepted as a true record.
28/17 County Councillors report / Adroddiad y Cynghorydd Sirol
06/17 NPT the canal basin toilets
Cllr Davies reported that at this present time the toilets will not be closed, there are ongoing proposals in this matter
114/16 -Possible further landslip at Abergarwed – With ongoing water problems in this area there have been 2 meetings with NPT, NRW and the Coal Authority, none of which have a clear idea of how to solve the problem
Other issues dealt with by Cllr Davies
i) Mail to Llys Bethania, Railway Terrace, the post office has been contacted. A further request for a sign to be placed at the top of Railway Terrace which states ‘Railway Terrace leading to Llys Bethania’. Cllr Davies will make enquiries
ii) Speeding in Railway Terrace – A traffic survey was carried out and the average speed was 22mph
iii) Overgrown hedge on property next to Welfare, – Several attempts have been made to the owners to cut the hedge to no effect. NPT will now be informed and an enforcement order will be sought.
Requests from members
i) Fly Tipping in John Street – This is an ongoing problem with residents repeatedly leaving rubbish in the lane. NPT have cleared the lane several times and will now issue letters to all residents with possible fines for repeat offenders.
ii) A request for more dog bins along the canal path will be looked into.
iii) A request for more warden patrols and signs on the Heol Ton Maen Park to deter dog mess.
iv) As a result of a tree being cut down in Edwards Terrace, Abergarwed there appears to be a lot of surface water. Also residents are concerned about a large tree at the end of Edwards terrace that could bring down power lines if it fell. Cllr Davies will look into this.
As this is the last meeting in the current session Cllr Davies thanked all members for their hard work and help over the last 4 years and was pleased that many outstanding issues had been solved
29/17 Clerk’s report and Council Matters Arising/Materion yn codi o’r cofnodion ac adroddiad y Clerc.
The Clerk’s report was presented to members, there were no matters arising.
30/17 Renovate the Sports field
A request was received from Resolven AFC to renovate the sports field with the Community Council supplying the material and the AFC supplying the labour following discussion this was agreed Resolved to renovate the sports field
31/17 The ROSPA report and appropriate action
Following the ROSPA report regarding the parks it was agreed that all appropriate action be taken to any play equipment. It was further agreed that when the all new play equipment had been installed the multi play equipment would be replaced via grant funding.
32/17 Renewing the kitchen in the sports pavilion
After all new equipment has been installed in the park it was agreed to replace the kitchen in the sports pavilion
33/17 Terms and conditions for Pen Y Cymoedd grant
It was agreed to accept the terms and conditions of grant funding set out by the above
34/17 Trade waste collections from hall and parks
Trade waste bags will be purchased from NPT to remove rubbish form both locations on a regular basis.
35/17 Correspondence Received
E-mail received from Ashley Bevan to replace the goal post in the park. This was agreed.
36/17 Sub-Committee Reports
The minutes of the finance committee were presented and accepted as a true record.
The minutes of the parks committee were presented and accepted as a true record.
The minutes of the hall committee were presented and accepted as a true record.
37/17 School Governors report – Ynysfach Primary School
The school has reached the target of 95 per cent attendance, also the school budget is looking good. A lot of fun was had dressing up for World Book Day, and St David’s Day was a great success, they are now doing a grow a pound project for the school funds, most parents are enjoying helping them in cooking, car washing, and planting.
The Headmaster said if any one objected there was no pressure to do so. Teachers and Governors have attended a lot of courses on looking out for the wellbeing of pupils There will be 30 new nursery children starting in the September term and the school has to do some moving about to accommodate them, which it is more than happy to do so, we wish them all the very best and know they are a very important part of our community
38/17 Chairman’s Report
Cllr Aylwin Jones thanked all members for their hard work and support over the term and congratulated the team on the many achievements, he hoped that the next term would be just as productive
39/17 Councillor Reports
i) Cllr Ace advised that Non Humphries has taken over as secretary of the Library and that they are short of volunteers.
ii) Cllr Trefor Jones advised that he had given a talk at the Beavers.
iii) Cllr Harris enquired about the Infinis Wind Farm and was advised that this now appears not to be going ahead. he also asked if the dram at the bottom of John Street was going to be landscaped and if the orchard at Glyncastle was up and running. The dram will be sorted by the Park Keeper and the orchard is not yet up and running.
iv) The Medical Director of Neath Port Talbot Hospital attended a meeting at the CVS and gave an excellent presentation, outlining the plans for the Hospital and new Medical Centre
v) Members would like to congratulate Simon Ace and Steve Allen on representing Wales at the indoor Bowls Championships. Simon Ace was awarded Welsh Singles Champion
vi) Members would also like to congratulate Neath Afan Gymnastics Club who will be representing Wales in May
The next meeting will be held on 11th May 2017 at 6.15pm at the Community Centre