Name of body: |
Resolven Community Council |
Year ending |
Notes and guidance for compilers |
31 March (£) |
31 March (£) |
Please round all figures to nearest £. Do not leave any boxes blank and report £0 or nil balances. All figures must agree to the underlying financial records for the relevant year. |
Statement of income and expenditure/receipts and payments |
1. Balances brought forward |
17946 |
12433 |
Total balances and reserves at the beginning of the year as recorded in the financial records. Must agree to line 7 of the previous year. |
2. (+) Income |
50375 |
52138 |
Total amount of income received/receivable in the year from local taxation (precept) or levy/contribution from principal bodies. |
3. (+) Total other receipts |
17111 |
20894 |
Total income or receipts recorded in the cashbook minus amounts included in line 2. Includes support, discretionary and revenue grants. |
4. (-) Staff costs |
23257 |
24797 |
Total expenditure or payments made to and on behalf of |
5. (-) Loan |
0 |
0 |
Total expenditure or payments of capital and interest made during the year on external borrowing (if any). |
6. (-) Total other payments |
49742 |
38808 |
Total expenditure or payments as recorded in the cashbook minus staff costs (line 4) and loan interest/capital repayments (line 5). |
7. (=) Balances carried forward |
12433 |
21860 |
Total balances and reserves at the end of the year. Must equal (1+2+3) – (4+5+6). |
Statement of balances |
8. (+) Debtors and stock balances |
0 |
0 |
Income and expenditure accounts only: Enter the value of debts owed to the body and stock balances held at the year-end. |
9. (+) Total |
12433 |
21860 |
All accounts: The sum of all current and deposit bank accounts, cash holdings and investments held at 31 March. This must |
10. (-) Creditors |
0 |
0 |
Income and expenditure accounts only: Enter the value of monies owed by the body (except borrowing) at the year-end. |
11. (=) Balances carried forward |
12433 |
21860 |
Total balances should equal line 7 above: Enter the total of (8+9-10). |
12. Total fixed assets and |
298022 |
300022 |
The asset and investment register value of all fixed assets and any other long-term assets held as at 31 March. |
13. Total borrowing |
0 |
0 |
The outstanding capital balance as at 31 March of all loans from third parties (including PWLB). |
14. Trust funds disclosure note |
Yes |
No |
N/A |
Yes |
No |
N/A |
The body acts as sole trustee for and is responsible for managing (a) trust fund(s)/assets (readers should note that the figures above do not include any trust transactions). |