The Monthly Meeting of the Council was held on Thursday 4th April 2024 at 6pm at the Community Centre
Present/ Presennol
Mr. A. Jones – Chair/Cadeirydd
Mr N. Francis, Mr T. Jones, Mr R. Coulter, Mr N. Place, Mr P. Martin, Mr K. Sims,
Mrs J. Llewellyn, Mr Peter Thomas
Mrs. C. Payne.
County Member/Aelod o’r Cyngor Sir – Not present
Prior to the meeting Mr Paul Hinder from NPT Council attended to advise members the next stage for the refurbishment of the MUGA. A full and in-depth discussion took place outlining the importance of planning, engagement, and source funding in order that the project comes to fruition. This is a long-term project and there are many steps ahead, however the Community Council is committed and will be contacting organisations in the area to evidence the overall need the availability of funding for such a large project, the maintenance and commitment of the local area.
26/24 Apologies for Absence/Ymddiheuriadau am absenoldeb
Mrs R. Parfitt, Mr L. Whomes,
27/24 Declarations of Interest/Datganiad o ddiddordeb personol
Cllr A. Jones declared an interest in item 32/24
28/24 Minutes of the previous Meeting/Cofnodion y Cyfarfod DiwethafThe Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 7th March 2024 were accepted as a true record.
28/24 Clerk’s report and Council Matters Arising/Materion yn codi o’r cofnodion ac adroddiad y Clerc.
The clerk’s report was presented and approved.
Matters arising:-
The Shelter is ready to be installed as soon as the weather is good enough.
29/24 To consider the Carnival groups request to use the recreation field on
5th& 6th July.
Members agreed to the use of the recreation field and look forward to another successful Event.
30/24 To consider the Muirhall issue.
Members were deeply disappointed with the news that the Melin Court wind farm project will no longer go ahead owing to the Muirhall Energy Company being unable to access the National Grid due to Natural Resources Wales refusing permission over their land.
This is a loss of revenue of approx. £60,000 yearly to the local area via wind farm subsidies.
31/24 Request for dog walking are in Abergarwed Park
A request to walk dogs in the Abergarwed park was received from a resident, following the discussion the request was denied due to there no dogs allowed in any of the Community Council parks.
32/24 Resolven Bowls Events during the Season
The members of the bowls clubs will be hosting a tournament event on 9th June 2023. The bowling green is now one of the best in the county and other clubs are interested in using this facility.
33/24 Membershio of One Voice Wales
Members agreed to continue membership of OVW
33/24 Correspondence
Focus group for youth representatives of community and town councils
Community Cushions
South West Regional Transport Plan
Urdd’s Fund For All
34/24 Sub-Committee Reports
Parks Committee – The minutes of the meeting 13th March 2024 were accepted as a true record.
A sub committee will be set up to oversee the refurbishment of the MUGA.
Cllr A. Jones, Cllr N. Francis, Cllr N. Place, Cllr P. Thomas, Cllr R. Coulter.
Finance Committee – There was no finance meeting in March.
35/24 Chairman’s Report –
No issues raised this month.
36/24 Councillors Report
The Clydach road bin has now been replaced.